Image is considered very vital to organization containing good image and being well-recognized assumes more than half way to success. In this connection, our staffs are required to understand and take part in developing our organization in order to achieve our organization’s vision, which will bring about good image to our organization. In addition, we need to sustain and develop our image to remain good and modern forever.

          During the past two decades many countries are affected by the use of pesticides. In addition, pesticide residues remain in the food chain and the environment that enters the body. Touch and breathe Causes of both short and long term health effects. Both adults and children. In addition, the government will set policy and implement a national chemical management strategy. People and Related people in pesticides must be aware and cooperative in their prevention and treatment. The use of pesticides proper and safely.

.        Biodiversity of living things whether it is an insect carrier agricultural insect pests Including various medicinal plants and currently found that the use of synthetic insecticides. (Conventional Insecticide) to control such groups of insects. Which causes impacts on the environment and other non-target organisms, and also has continuous chemical resistance problems This results in the use of higher amounts of chemicals.